The Soul Man is a new comedy series from TV Land created by Suzanne Martin and Cedric the Entertainer. The series revolves around Reverend Boyce "The Voice" Ballentine, an R&B singer-turned-minister who takes over as preacher in his father's church. He was living the high life in Las Vegas at the top of the music charts when he got "the calling" and decided to relocate to St, Louis with his family. However, his wife and daughter are unenthusiastic to abandon the marvelous superstar life for a humble one.
The series is a spin-off from Hot in Cleveland and premiered on June 20, 2012.
Here's a sneak peek:
Cedric the Entertainer as Reverend Boyce Ballentine
Niecy Nash as Lolli Ballentine
John Beasley as Barton Ballentine
Wesley Jonathan as Stamps Ballentine
Jazz Raycole as Lyric Ballentine
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